
「One Bendaプロジェクト」2nd

第2次中期経営計画(2017 年度~2019 年度)= トップダウン・ミドルアップ型中計

The Benda Group has experienced massive changes in the external environment surrounding the Benda Group including shifting from Japan and South Korea to newly developing countries like China, and increased sales in the assembly area.
We have created the “One Benda System” as a means to achieve strategic business expansion with the entire Benda Group working together in order to achieve the speed and flexibility of the entire group that is required to continue to expand our global share.
In order to implement these strategies, we added a new Quality Project with the Second Medium-Term Plan to the four Projects (Development/Design, Sales/Marketing, Production/Procurement, and Business Management) started with the First Medium Term Plan, and are promoting it accordingly.